Gulberg Greens’ “Latest Updates” page offers current news and updates regarding local activities and progress.
Gulberg Green Islamabad management meeting conducted recently. In this meeting, eleven points were discussed. They discussed all the problems society is facing.
Gulberg Green Islamabad management meeting conducted recently. In this meeting, eleven points were discussed. They discussed all the problems society is facing.
Gulberg Green Islamabad management meeting conducted recently. In this meeting, eleven points were discussed. They discussed all the problems society is facing.
Gulberg Green Management has issued a new map of Gulberg Green Block C, Now 5 Marla plots are available in this block.
Malik M. Usman (Additional General Secretary), Malik Bilal (Vice Chairman), and Qaisar Khan (Executive Member) extend their warmest congratulations to Mr. Shujaat Ullah Qureshi on being appointed as the General Secretary of Gulberg Green Islamabad (IBECHS).
Asim Ali (Sadar Hum Awaz Group), Rai Kazim, and Seemab Abbasi extend their warmest congratulations to Mr. Shujaat Ullah Qureshi on being appointed as the General Secretary of Gulberg Green Islamabad.
A very reasonable price 4 kanal farm house for sale limited time offer, So grab the best deal. It is the best time for investment to have a good revenue.
اسلام آباد اسٹیٹ ایجنٹس ایسوسی ایشن کے ایڈیشنل جنرل سیکرٹری راجہ وحید احمد ، اسلام آباد چیمبر کے نائب صدر انجینئر اظہر الاسلام ظفر اور گلبرگ اسٹیٹ ایجنٹس ایسوسی ایشن کے سیکرٹری جنرل محمد نوید کے ہمراہ شجاعت اللہ قریشی صاحب کو2024 مینجمنٹ کمیٹی کاجنرل سیکرٹری منتخب ہونے پر مبارکباد دے رہے ہیں ۔
23 April 2024, Mr. Khalid Mir, Mr. Malik Bilal, Mr. Asim Ali, and Mr. Rai Kazim conducted a meeting of French investors with Gulbarg Management in which French investors and Gulbarg Management discussed new projects coming up in 2024.
Gulberg Green 5 Marla, 6 Marla, 7 Marla, 10 Marla, 12 Marla, and, 1 Kanal Residential Plot on Installment call for booking 03310000060 (updates plan 15/2/2024)
Gulberg Green Islamabad issued LOP map for 2024. Gulberg Green updated map here you can easily check your farmhouse location.
Gulberg Green Islamabad’s head office is located in Business Park, Gulberg. 200-meter drive from the main Islamabad highway, Near Al Falah Bank, UBL Bank, Allied Bank.
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